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发布日期:2017-05-23 12:59:43

PM2.5 was afraid of, preparedness, not only because of fine dust, mainly in the fine particles containing fine particles of lead, manganese, cadmium, antimony, arsenic, nickel, strontium, sulfate, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and other particle size less than 2.5 m in the air, long residence time, simply enter the body and form injury. Especially heavy metal particles, will damage the trace elements in the body balance and pathogenic.
PM2.5 with heavy metal capacity, greater harm to the human body. In the meantime, the power of lead pollution is worth noting that even trace intake is hazardous to health, especially for children. China still rural children blood lead of about 10% ~ 15% of the city children and 20% of the cost overruns, especially in the part of industrial and mining enterprises and the surrounding area of children blood lead pollution is more serious, and even attack many lead pollution and severe lead poisoning of children.
Lead is a bluish gray heavy metal. When heated to 400 DEG C to 500 DEG C will lead the steam to escape form in the production of lead and lead smoke, lead ingots for plate process will lead dust pollution from air, when the air reaches a certain concentration of lead fume and dust on the human body is harmful.
Lead is one of the heavy metals with high toxicity and strong accumulation. If it accumulates in the human body for a long time, it will seriously endanger the nervous, hematopoietic and digestive system. Lead is absorbed through the respiratory tract and digestive tract. Lead poisoning can cause feelings of depression, tiredness, anemia, and even mental activity in children.
Many chemicals that stay in the environment for a period of time may degrade into harmless eventually compounds, but lead can not be degraded, and once it has been released into the environment for a long time, its availability remains. Lead has long been rated as a strong pollutant because of its long persistence in the environment and its potential toxicity to many life arrangements.



暴露仓,动物气体染毒,pm2.5毒理研究 http://www.jukangkj.com/ ,恒温恒湿洁净称量室等全球先进应用设备请选择巨康科技!