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- 发布日期:2017-04-14 09:13:55
1. 防护手套的品种很多,要根据防护功能来选用。首先应明确防护对象,然后再仔细选用。如耐酸碱手套,有耐强酸(碱)的、有耐低浓度酸(碱),而耐低浓度酸(碱)手套不能用于接触高浓度酸(碱)。切记勿误用,以免发生意外。
1 varieties of protective gloves, according to the protection function to choose. First of all, should be clear to protect the object, and then carefully selected. Such as acid and alkali resistant gloves, resistance to strong acid (base), tolerance to low concentration acid (alkali), and tolerant to low concentration of acid (alkali) gloves may not for exposure to high concentration of acid (alkali). Remember not to misuse, so as to avoid accidents.
2. 防水、耐酸碱手套使用前应仔细检查,观察表面是否有破损,采取简易办法是向手套内吹口气,用手捏紧套口,观察是否漏气。漏气则不能使用。
2 waterproof, acid and alkali resistant gloves should be carefully checked before use, observe whether the surface is damaged, to take a simple way is to blow the glove inside the glove, hand pinch tight set, observe whether the leakage. Can not use the air leakage.
3. 绝缘手套应定期检验电绝缘性能,不符合规定的不能使用。
3 insulated gloves should be regularly tested for electrical insulation properties, does not meet the requirements of the use of.
4. 橡胶、塑料等类防护手套用后应冲洗干净、晾干,保存时避免高温,并在制品上撒上滑石粉以防粘连。
4. Rubber, plastic and other kinds of protective gloves after use should be washed clean, dry, save to avoid high temperature, and WIP sprinkle talcum powder to prevent adhesion.
5 contact with strong oxidizing acid such as nitric acid, chromic acid, due to strong oxidation will cause the protective gloves crisp, discoloration, early damage. High concentrations of strong oxidizing acids may even cause burning, should observe.
6 latex industrial gloves are only suitable for weak acid, the concentration of sulfuric acid, hydrochloric acid and a variety of salts, not contact with strong oxidizing acids (nitric acid, etc.).
在净化铝材配件 http://www.jnjkjh.com/ 中,工作者会遇到各种带电操作的情况。根据实际的工作电压来选择相应的电工绝缘手套,并在实际操作中,应使用电工外用手套配合电工绝缘手套一起使用,以更好地防护穿刺及撕裂的危害。每次使用电工绝缘手套的前后都应进行必要的检查,以确保使用时的安全。
In the purification of aluminum parts, workers will encounter a variety of live operation. According to the actual working voltage to select the appropriate electrical insulation gloves, and in the actual operation, should be used in electrical and external gloves with electrical insulation gloves to use, in order to better protect puncture and tear of the damage. Every time the use of electrical insulation gloves should be carried out before and after the necessary checks to ensure the safety of the use of.
The protective sleeve is used to protect the upper hand protective equipment. Mainly:
1. 石棉防辐射热套袖:用于高温炉窑等作业场所。
1 asbestos heat radiation proof sleeves: for high temperature kilns and other workplaces.
2. 铝膜布隔热套袖:用于高温炉窑及其它有强辐射热的作业环境。
2 aluminum sleeves: cloth insulation for high temperature furnace and other strong thermal radiation environment.
3 tape sleeves: anti acid used in contact with water, acid, dirt and other operations.
4. 塑料防酸碱套袖:用于接触水、酸碱、污物等的作业。
4 plastic sleeves: anti acid used in contact with water, acid and alkali, dirt and other operations.
- 上一篇:净化铝材配件-无纺布与无尘布的区别
- 下一篇:一定要知道的空气净化工程防护五要点