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发布日期:2017-06-13 10:47:33

With the global climate of haze frequent, PM2.5 damage is also more people pay attention to. In addition to causing respiratory diseases and cardiovascular diseases, PM2.5 is also believed to be a carcinogen and greatly increases the risk of lung cancer. Compared with smoking, many people think that outdoor PM2.5 pollution does more harm to human beings than smoking. But many people think that even if not to smoke every day will still be inhaled PM2.5, I take a few more what! What is the reality? Follow Xiao Bian and go on:
Yangzhou Environmental Protection Agency atmospheric active monitoring room has done an experiment: a cigarette completely burned, will occur 0.62 grams of particles, during which PM2.5 accounted for 30%~40%, approximately equal to 0.19~0.25 grams. So, in a confined 100 square meter room, the PM2.5 concentration of the burning particles in these cigarettes is about 633.3~833.3 micrograms per cubic meter. According to the national standard of 75 micrograms / cubic meter accounting, overruns 8~11 times!
If one day Beijing PM2.5 concentration and the minimum PM2.5 concentration of cigarettes to be accounted for, the haze days deposited into the alveolar can not be discharged PM2.5, about 6.5 times the smoking.
So smoking 6.5 cigarettes is equivalent to the amount of PM2.5 inhaled in the moderately polluted environment for 24 hours. The study showed that PM2.5 inhalation deposition, every 144 micrograms added, heart lung disease mortality increased by 6%, lung cancer mortality increased by 8%. Therefore, smoking in the haze days the higher concentration of PM2.5, is undoubtedly worse. PM2.5 continued high concentrations of the effect, the longer smoking, lung damage will be more significant.



暴露仓,动物气体染毒,pm2.5毒理研究 http://www.jukangkj.com/ ,恒温恒湿洁净称量室等全球先进应用设备请选择巨康科技!