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发布日期:2017-04-13 16:47:24

空气净化设备的主要指标有净化效率、额定风量、阻力等。下面净化铝材配件 http://www.jnjkjh.com/ 小编以空气过滤器为例加以说明。

The main indicators of air purification equipment are purification efficiency, rated air flow, resistance, etc.. The following purification of aluminum parts in small series to air filter for example to illustrate.


(1) filtration efficiency


Filtration efficiency is defined as the ratio of the particle mass (or number) to the particle mass (or number) in the upstream air filter. For the actual particles with particle size distribution, there are full efficiency and classification efficiency.


1) total efficiency. The total efficiency is the ratio of the total amount of particulate matter in the upper air to the filter trap.


2) classification efficiency. The classification efficiency is a filter for a particle size range of particle capture efficiency. The capture efficiency of different particle size of the same filter is different, the particle size is bigger and the classification efficiency is higher. Due to the need to purify the particle size distribution is different, so in the selection of filter should pay special attention to the efficiency of the particle size range. If the particle size distribution is known, the full efficiency and classification efficiency of the filter can be converted.


3) series total efficiency. In the air conditioning system, the filter is often used in series, the total efficiency of the series filter can be calculated by the formula.


(2) rated air volume


Rated air quantity is the amount of air flow that is handled in the unit time specified in the factory of the product. In engineering application, it can be obtained by the product of the wind speed and the wind speed of the filter, and the actual process air volume should be less than the rated wind speed.


(3) resistance


The total pressure loss of the air passing through the air filter is called the resistance of the air filter. The air passing through the non product dust filter is called initial resistance, which is referred to as the final resistance of the specified value in the rated air pressure due to the dust of the filter. For the first effect, the middle - and high - efficiency, high - efficiency and high - efficiency filters generally provide that the final resistance is not more than two times the initial resistance, or by the manufacturer to provide data. The concept of only resistance to the high efficiency filter is not distinguished from the initial resistance.