- 发布人:
- 发布日期:2017-04-13 16:48:06
(1) clean room clean room shall be used for cleaning the wall in the clean room;
(2) cleaning agent with 90% de ionized water and 10%;
(3) the use of a clean room for approval of the use of special detergent;
(4), to andsetupbetweenbins and servicing of the day, and promptly removed.
(5), every floor has to dust. At each shift, the work should be done on the map, such as where to end the.
(6), the clean room, cleanthegroundshould usespecial mop.
(7) in a clean room, a special vacuum cleaner with an efficient filter should be used.
(8) all doors need to be examined and dried.
(9) and then wipe the ground. Once a week to clean the wall.
(10) also, the overhead floor under the vacuum and clean.
(11), three months to wipe a floor under the ground and supporting the column.
(12), must remember that the work must be remembered, always by the upper and down, from the farthest from the door to the door of the direction.
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