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发布日期:2017-04-13 16:50:58


With the continuous deterioration of the atmospheric environment, the air filter into a popular product. However, do you really know about the use of air filters, air filters can be cleaned?

首先,在使用之前要先确认下,这样不会影响使用,净化铝材配件 http://www.jnjkjh.com/ 小编介绍说,高效过滤器是不能进行清洗的,只能进行更换,我们所指的是工业设备上使用的空气过滤器,和一般的洁净空气过滤器的材料是不一样的,工业用的过滤器成本比较高,如果进行清洗要花费很多的费用。

First of all, in use before the first confirmation, this will not affect the use, purification of aluminum parts, the introduction of small, efficient filter can not be carried out, can only be replaced, we refer to the use of industrial equipment, air filters, and the general clean air filter material is not the same, the industrial use of the filter costs are relatively high, if it costs a lot of cleaning.


Of course some filters can be cleaned and recycled. These filters are made from heavier shell and some fabric of, a lot of air in the modern industry and transportation industry over the rescheduled are made from durable materials manufacturing, can withstand the cleaning. Some air filters are not easy to clean, and can not withstand the need for filter recycling some of the processing procedures.


Use of the "cardboard or paper" of the housing filter is not for cleaning, is a one-time filter, HEPA filter is usually not recoverable, because the filter material is more special, the responsibility is also very important. If the air filter is a cylindrical or flat shaped, and is used for the use of metal or plastic housing, most of which can be recycled.