- 发布人:
- 发布日期:2017-04-13 17:07:44
1, inventory items, wash hands, the nurse, the circuit nurse must see the kind of careful inventory, the circuit nurse repeat it, to ensure that the first time inventory accurate, and standard, accurate record.
3, inventory gauze pad, the pad is fully expanded, a careful inventory, to prevent the two block of gauze pad.
2, count the gauze, the gauze should be released from the package, the gauze is open, a careful inventory, to prevent the impact of the accuracy of gauze.
4、清点器械时,需重复清点净化铝材配件 http://www.jnjkjh.com/ 两遍,对点和单点各一遍。缝针清点两遍,第一遍从针尖清点,第二遍从针尾处清点,一确保清点数目的准确性。
4, the inventory of equipment, the need to repeat the cleaning of aluminum parts two times, the point and the single point. The needle count two times, the first time from the tip of the inventory, second times from the needle at the end of the inventory, to ensure a clear number accuracy.
6, cotton, cotton, scalp clip brain inventory: a cotton ball after careful examination of the inventory, to prevent the two together. Scalp clip quantity is more, easy to slide, should be five a group, the group inventory. Should the quality of cotton, cotton brain brain check cotton thread is strong, whether the two pieces together.
5, inventory, pay attention to check the instruments of the screw is loose, electric knife head is complete, the needle is bent, carefully check the equipment, ensure the equipment integrity.
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