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- 发布日期:2017-04-13 16:45:23
Clean plant because of the production of products and production processes are special, fire design has its own characteristics. More and more experts, the fire characteristics of clean plant design and construction for the following six points:
1 、施工厂房主体多为钢筋混凝土结构,或者轻钢结构,厂房多分隔为若干小间。
1, the main body of the construction plant for reinforced concrete structure, or light steel structure, plant more divided into several small.
2, the internal structure of the purification plant is complex, the channel is tortuous.
3 、因为洁净原因,厂房常处于密闭状态,少窗少门。
3, because of the clean reasons, the plant is often in a closed state, and fewer window.
4 、净化厂房内设备昂贵,怕高温、忌水。
4, the purification plant equipment is expensive, afraid of high temperature, avoid water.
5 、净化厂房内工作人员少,不利于发现火情和处理初期火灾。
5, cleaning staff in the workshop, is not conducive to the discovery of fire and fire.
6 、车间在生产过程中使用了甲醇、丙酮、甲苯等易燃易爆化学危险物品,对洁净厂房构成了潜在的火灾威胁。
6, workshop in the production process using methanol, acetone, toluene and other flammable and explosive dangerous goods, the clean plant constitutes a potential fire threat.
因此在洁净厂房设计施工 http://www.jnjkjh.com/ 中,要严格控制建筑物的耐火等级,设计时将建筑构件的耐火性能与厂房的耐火等级相配套,从而大大减少了火灾发生的可能性。而且必须注意装修材料的燃烧性能,尽量减少使用一些高分子合成材料,以避免火灾发生时产生大量烟气,不利于人员逃生。另外,要对电气线路的穿管做严格要求,在有条件的地方要尽量使用钢管,保证电气线路不成为火灾蔓延的途径。
So in the design and construction of clean workshop, to strictly control the building fireproof rank, designed the building fire resistance and building fireproof rank matching, thus greatly reducing the the possibility of fire. It is necessary to pay attention to the performance of the decoration materials, as far as possible to reduce the use of some polymer materials, in order to avoid the occurrence of a large number of fire smoke, is not conducive to personnel to escape. In addition, to the electrical line of the tube to do strict requirements, in a conditional place to try to use the steel pipe, to ensure that the electrical line is not a way of fire spread.
In summary, the purification plant of the air temperature, humidity and cleanliness requirements. The design and construction of a clean plant should be based on the requirements of the process, the production of clean degree level reasonable selection of building materials, considering the fire resistance, so as to meet the requirements of GMP purification plant design specifications.