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发布日期:2017-05-05 11:31:38

PM2.5 is an important factor causing the decline of atmospheric acid rain, photochemical smog and visibility in the atmospheric environment. Many studies have been carried out to remind PM2.5 of the serious damage to human health and the main impact on the climate. The dust particles such as coal emissions is not the same as the PM2.5 in natural history, usually enrichment of various heavy metal elements (such as As, Se, Pb and Cr) and PAHs, VOCs and other organic pollutants, such as carcinogenic, mutagenic and genotoxic substances, great damage.
PM2.5 structure in coal fly ash
The PM2.5 emitted from coal combustion can be divided into spherical particles and non spherical particles, and the PM2.5 of fuel oil is mainly composed of many flocs. The PM2.5 emission from coal combustion is mainly spherical particles, but with the decrease of particle size, the number of non spherical particles increases. Most of the appearance of PM2.5 is not lubricated, there is no difference between the particle size of the gradual adsorption of the scene. The composition of coal fly ash can be divided into 4 types: silicon aluminum, calcium, iron and organic matter.
Composition of PM2.5 heavy metals in fly ash from coal combustion
煤燃烧后,重金属元素通常富集在飞灰中。跟着粒径的减小,As,Se,Cd,Pb,Cr 和Be等各种重金属质量分数有增高的趋势。As,Se,Cd,Pb和Cr等重金属趋向于 PM25中富集,高钙飞灰对As具有激烈的吸附效果。但是本身带着的有害物质较多,因而仍是有必要加以重视,避免对人体健康与环境形成损害。
After the combustion of coal, heavy metal elements are usually enriched in fly ash. With the decrease of particle size, As, Se, Cd, Pb, Cr, Be and other heavy metal mass fraction increased. As, Se, Cd, Pb and Cr in the trend of heavy metals such as PM25 concentration, high calcium fly ash has the intense adsorption effect on As. However, it is necessary to pay more attention to the harmful substances, so as to avoid damage to human health and environment.
Of course, this is only the coal fly ash in particular the physical characteristics of the PM2.5, it also has gas, two PM and other chemical characteristics, but should be messy, severe pollution.
The contribution of coal fly ash to PM2.5, according to the region is not the same as between about 10%-25%, its emissions, emission point is fixed, the company is the number one target pollution control. In order to protect the living environment and health of human beings, it is of great significance to strengthen the study of PM2.5 management technology in coal fly ash.


