- 发布人:
- 发布日期:2017-05-11 11:49:13
Air is a necessary condition for human survival, and China's economic development brought by air pollution question is increasingly showing serious and urgent. Tsinghua's first indoor PM2.5 pollution big data research report shows: compared with outdoor PM2.5 pollution, room
Effects of PM2.5 pollution on people more significantly, the per capita PM2.5 intake is 4 times of indoor outdoor and indoor; in addition to PM2.5, there are formaldehyde, benzene and other pollutants in the objective conditions remain unchanged, it automatically impact on indoor air quality was most significant, as everyone knows, the children stay at home time is relatively longer, which means that the indoor air pollution has brought greater disease risk to them.
A new study shows that air pollution can have a negative effect on children, and this effect is even before they are born. The researchers looked at children's exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) - a case of burning gasoline, diesel fuel, household heating oil and coal burning pollutants. They found that prenatal exposure to these compounds is related to changes in the structure of the brain in children and childhood intellectual deficits and practices.
The researchers measured the concentrations of PAH in the blood and urine of pregnant women and 40 pregnant women in their late pregnancy. In these children from 7 to 9 years old, researchers have been keeping track of them, and their brain M.R.I. (magnetic resonance imaging) examination. The findings were published in the Journal of the American Medical Association: Psychiatry (JAMAPsychiatry).
The higher the level of PAH exposure, the greater the reduction in white matter surface area in the left hemisphere of the brain. The degree of white matter damage is directly related to the high score of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and other methods.
PAH showed higher and white matter damage as well as processing speed, i.e., the ability of the human brain to acquire new information and respond to it.
"Everyone will be exposed to these compounds," said Bradley S, Ph.D., director of the Institute for mental development in Losangeles children's Hospital, dr.. "Pregnant mothers and children are very sensitive to environmental pollutants that damage the brain's development, and these pollutants are likely to have catastrophic effects." How to prevent such a catastrophic threat? When the outdoor air pollution is serious, the parents should be appropriate to reduce the child out of time; and indoor air pollution is serious, of course, is not to cut children to stay indoors time, but instead should eradicate indoor air pollution on children's injury.